Welcoming Community
Visitors report that we are a warm and welcoming congregation. This brings us joy as we seek to live up to our first value, acceptance, “welcoming all without exception, as modeled by Jesus.”
We also love reaching out with God’s love in our community and beyond with a strong prayer team, caring activities and mission trips. We provide education for all ages and support a variety of youth programs. We encourage discipleship through small group ministries. We enjoy each others’ company in a variety of fellowship groups. We cherish gifts of music and creativity in worship: choirs, instrumental groups, and movement groups.
Above all, we keep the Lord of Life at the heart of all we do, basing everything on God’s amazing grace and surprising love for all!
Lord of Life Lutheran Church Values
The Spirit by which we go about living our mission and doing ministry
- Acceptance: We welcome all without exception, as modeled by Jesus.
- Generosity: We share our time, abilities, and resources in serving all God’s people.
- Service: We meet the needs of others without recognition or expectation.
- Grow in Faith: We recognize that faith is a journey with intellectual and spiritual challenges along the way.
All are welcome. This is God’s table.
Children in Worship
To say that children are welcome in worship is an understatement. Children, as they are, are part of this congregation, not just waiting to become adults who can participate in a more “acceptable” way. We are hoping to provide tools for our kids to be in worship and participate in their own way. During worship, you’ll see a Prayground up front, with coloring sheets, interactive worksheets, puzzles, and other things. Right now this is mainly setup for elementary-age children. There is a Children’s Message, where a nugget of scripture for the day is presented interactively with our children. There are activity bags in the shelves outside the sanctuary with activities for toddlers through elementary-age. Please ask an usher if you need help finding them.
For those children or parents that need a break, the narthex (gathering space) is a good place to move around. There is also a nursery available with a qualified, background-checked attendant. The bathroom in the nursery has a changing table with wipes, diapers, and other things parents may need. Please help yourself.
Faith Formation
Faith Formation is the title that we give to all of the learning opportunities at Lord of Life. This includes Sunday Faith Formation for all ages at 9 a.m., as well as a Wednesday evening class on Zoom at 6:30 p.m. to discuss topics around social justice topics. These classes take a break for the summer.
Our Lutheran Beliefs
Lord of Life is a part of the Northwest Intermountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Pastor: Kirsten Sauey Hofmann | pastorkirstensh@gmail.com |
Office Secretary: Ana Arias | office@thelordoflife.com |
Musician: Brian Swearingen | |
Men of Life and Grace Notes Chime Choir Director: David Baldwin |