Faith Formation

Faith Formation is a vibrant space of learning between our worship time, where all ages come together to continue our faith formation as disciples of Jesus Christ. Often this is based from our lectionary readings used in worship on Sunday mornings. When Lord of Life built Grace Place, its purpose was for education with our congregation and the greater community. Grace Place is often full and used in ways we did not dream of in the planning. After completion we noticed a need for a change in how we approached Sunday School. We kept parts that were working quite well for our church but decided to focus on the meaningfulness of the Bible in our lives, the lifelong formation of the faithful, how the lectionary is relevant in our lives today and various needs of our congregation to be spiritually fed. These are bold steps! We decided to change the language from Sunday School to Faith Formation because we feel this more accurately reflects what we are doing on a Sunday morning at this time. We recognize that faith formation happen inside and outside of this time. It is in fact our life long call.

Our Faith Formation hour is fluid on purpose. It allows ownership of the classes by the participants. As a staff we work hard to offer classes that are relevant to the lectionary each Sunday while bringing in new and fresh ideas.

Current Offeringson summer hiatus

EVEREST Classes are discussion-based, deeper theological exploration; typically for older youth and adults   


Cross+Generational Classes are especially created for learning by all ages, each learning from the other

Badger Classes are especially for elementary aged children with minimal reading, mostly hands-on learning,

Candy Mountain Classes are for non-readers, especially preschool and kindergarten